Best Way to remain healthy || How to remain healthy
What is the best way to remain healthy?
People are so deeply concerned when it comes to there health . There is a famous saying health is wealth, but if you ask me personally then I will say : health is far more pristegous then wealth . Now lets come to the question what is the best way to remain healthy.
I always say that inorder to get answer or solution of any problem one must deeply understand the question itself. Most of the solution is hidden in problem itself. So lets understand the problem.
People of this generation get sick frequently , yes offcourse there are many aspects that affect it like food habit , climate, polution and all . But this is not the real problem , so what is the real problem?
Our body/organ/system is not functioning with 100% efficent and to its fullest, this is the real problem. Smaller diseases also affect our health very badly it is becuase our body/organ is not fuctioning with 100% efficient or to its fullest.
Why is our system not performing 100% ;
Firstly we must understand what controlls our body and all system of us. It is brain which controlls each and every functioning of our body. right? Here think deeply , our system is not function well so it is possible that it is because of our brain? Yes absolutely you get it right.
You may know this fact that humain brain is much more disturbed than ever. So our brain is always chattering , always thinking hence our brain is mostly busy in thinking process. But our brain is naturally made to controll function of our body, it is not made naturally to think . But most of the time brain is busy in thinking ,chattering so our brain cant function to its fullest. And hence this result to the improper functioning in our system .
Human brain is badly disturbed so functioning in our system dont function to its fullest and hence this lead to mess , this lead to pure disaster . And as result of this any small disease also badly affect us . We easily get prone to diseases because of our disturbed mind.
Now we understand the real problem. So as the real problem is disturbed brain then the real answer will be silent or peace of mind. When our brain get silent then all the system will function properly and to its fulles so this is the real solution.
Now how to attain peace? If you want to know this then
please read this article;
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